Joint Research
Sustainable Infrastructure
  • LM Water Environment Standards and Guidelines for Textile Industrial Parks

    As a saying goes, “shared river, shared future”. Lancang-Mekong countries face similar problems and challenges in the pursuit of environmental protection and sustainable development. The countries have all agreed to build a Lancang-Mekong community of shared future by seeking complementary advantages and mutual promotion between LancangMekong Cooperation (LMC) and other sub-regional mechanisms through cooperation in production capacity, innovation, people’s livelihood and environmental protection, with emphasis placed on building the Mekong-Lancang Economic Development Belt.
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  • Lancang-Mekong Sustainable Infrastructure and Green Development

    The Lancang-Mekong region is a land-sea bridge connecting China with Southeast Asia and South Asia. There are economic and social disparities within the region due to a variety of factors. As a result of inadequate financing capacity, technology and experience for infrastructure construction, insufficient infrastructure has hindered regional economi
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  • On the Status Quos of the Strategic Environmental Assessment in L-M Basin

    For historical reasons, the economic development, political systems and cultures & traditions vary greatly from country to country in the Lancang-Mekong Basin, leading to unbalanced situations in terms of public environmental awareness and government policies in the region. This imbalance has hindered the cross-border exploitation and utilization of natural resources. Therefore, it is of great necessity to fully understand the environmental impact assessment (EIA) systems in the region.
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